The 20 Questions Book Tag

Hi, everyone! This is my first book tag so I’m not entirely sure if I did this right… technically, nobody tagged me, but whatever. This book tag is the one with 20 classic questions. It’s been floating around the book blogger community for a while, and I’m really excited to try this out. What is a book tag? A book tag is a set of questions organized by books, book genres or something else to do with reading. For example, there is a realistic fiction book tag and an unpopular opinions book tag. This book tag contains 20 basic questions, and is a common starter tag so you can get to know me. Without further ado, let's get started! The 20 Questions book tag 1. How many books are too many books in a series? Um, there’s no such thing, obviously. One of my favorite book series is contains 11 books and counting. Of course, there are series that I thought were stretched out too much, and could’ve been condensed (looking at you, Harry Potter). But if the novels are well written, I love a g...