library haul!! 🤎 new books i checked out june 10

 Hiii guys!!

It's been a while, right? Maybe a month? I've been so busy, I can't remember the last time I actually wrote a post instead of just uploading a book blitz. But anyways, today I'm really excited, because this is our very first library haul post!

I'm currently at the library because my brother is doing some robotics thing in the other room, and I was going to work on my novel, but then I saw the beautiful books and knew I had to check some out.

Reading > writing Sorry, I just have my priorities straight.

Anyways, let's go!! I'm just going to browse the shelves and pick up every book I like, and in like half an hour, I'll come back here to write about it.

✨  choosing the books ✨

My process of deciding on a book is as follows:
  1. Run my fingers along the spines of a row of books
  2. Stop on one that looks pretty/interesting
  3. Pull it out and examine the cover
  4. If the cover checks out (pun intended) look at the back
  5. If the book is hardcover, look at the inside flap thing
  6. And finally, if the book still seems appealing, add it to the stack.
This is the art of browsing library books.

 ✨ shortlisting the books ✨

I've picked up 18 books, but I want to shortlist it. 

The first to go was "Notes from My Captivity" by Kathy Parks. There's nothing wrong with it; it just didn't seem as interesting to me as the others.

Next, "Just Do This One Thing For Me" by Laura Zimmermann was eliminated. The cover looks so interesting, but when I started reading the first page, I realized it was nothing like the cover.

I also lost interest in "The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett" by Chelsea Sedoti, and put that one away.

The fourth book to be eliminated was "A Disaster in Three Acts" by Kelsey Rodkey. I only picked it up because I read "Last Chance Books" by the same author, but I don't think I'll like this one.

I was only able to eliminate 4 books because I loved all the others, so I have 14 books left.

✨ the books i got ✨

Okay, this is the part you've been waiting for! Let's take a look at the books I got.

this image is of the books I got. i wonder if anyone reads the alt text. well, if you're here, then hi!! have a great day :)

They're all in rainbow order, too! 🤎
Thank you for reading this post. Have a great day

Paige, signing off.

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