may + april combined monthly wrap up: mapril 2024
Note: Because this is a combined wrap-up, I introduced a new term: mapril, used to describe May & April in one word. Let's just pretend the fact that I didn't post a wrap-up for April was intentional, although in reality, I ran out of time (oops). Honestly, I haven't had much time for blogging in general these past two months. I published 7 posts in total during Mapril, but only three of them were really my own work. The other four were book blitzes & cover reveals. table of contents posts I published during mapril fav posts from other blogs fun updates i'm running for president ttpd album reaction conclusion posts i published during mapril The Winchester Codex Book Blitz (featuring excerpt + giveaway!) Books can be dangerous. Fitz, a dragon, believes he is guardian of one of the most dangerous of all – The Winchester Codex was responsible for wiping out the entire draconic race, of which he is one of the last vestiges. Yet in the 21st century, what relevance do...