The Best Book I Read in May (No spoilers)

Oh, May. A chaotic time. The month grades were getting finalized, summer break preparations began, and we bid our teachers farewell. That’s why I only read eight books last month (oops). At least that might make it easier to pick a favorite. Who am I kidding, it is always hard to pick a favorite, no matter how little books there are. That’s why I’ll be using a bracket technique to pick a favorite. To start, I’ll list all the books I read that month along with a few words to give you an idea of what it's about: The False Prince (A dramatic fantasy, minus the unicorns) The Double Life of Danny Day (What if you lived every day twice?) Girls Save The World In This One (A surprisingly good zombie attack story) Follow Me Back (A girl with a fear of crowds) After Zero (What if you chose to speak just 5 words a day?) Fairest Of All (A twisted tale on Snow White) The Library of Lost Things (Starring a girl who reads to cope) Offline (What if you refused to use social media for a month?) Ya...