Dear world, I'm back.
Dear world, My name is Asha. A year and a half ago, I decided to start a blog to practice writing book reviews. I was convinced that by signing up to a bunch of SEO mailing lists, my book blog would go viral and everything would be perfect. But 15 months later, my average engagement time is 9 seconds, so you can infer how that turned out. I forgot about my blog for four whole months. Ever since school started, I didn't even log into my email for this blog! I opened it up just now, and sorted through my 417 unread emails. Four of them were book blitzes I signed up, forgot about, and missed the deadline for. I currently have 7 books I signed up to ARC read that I still need to write a review for. But I'm back. And this time, I'll be posting consistently and giving you what you came here for (whatever that is). Sincerely, Asha PS: I mean it this time PPS: My old pen name was Paige, but I kind of grew tired of it. I'm slowly transitioning to Asha. PPPS: When I say 'dear...