
Showing posts with the label Throwback Thursday

#ThrowbackThursday April 2024 (Red Queen)

I've seen bloggers doing book memes since the minute I started blogging, but I've never taken part in one myself... until now. The one I selected is monthly, and it's called Throwback Thursday. Here are the rules... The Chocolate Lady’s #ThrowbackThursday takes place on the Thursday before the first Saturday of every month You are encouraged to write a post about anything old that strikes your fancy! If you want to tweet or share this post, or someone else’s post, or the reviews being highlighted, please use #ThrowbackThursday! Please link back to her original page on your post. ( here's the link! ) So, without further ado, let's get right into it! this time last year, i was reading... I have an app on my computer named Sora to read books, and one of the cool features is that it shows a full history of all the books you checked out and when. So I scrolled all the way down to April 2023, and as you can see, I was going through a Red Queen phase back then. On April 3,...