Naughty or Nice Book Tag 2023
Introduction Happy holidays, and welcome back to Pages of Perfiction! This time of the year always has such a vibe. Winter break just started, and I'm leaving for a week-long trip tomorrow! I can't wait. I should be packing right now, because I'm only halfway done, but whatever. Besides, what better way to celebrate the season than another book tag? Today, I'm going to be trying out the Naughty or Nice book tag. I've done one book tag before ( the 20 Questions book tag , back at the start of my blogging journey), so I can't wait to get into this post. I found out about this tag via AceReader (who has an amazing site, go check it out), but some other great bloggers who've done this tag include MehganReads , Read Bake Create , and The Strawberry Post . 1. Received an ARC and not reviewed it Guess what? This has never happened to me! I just started asking for ARCs a couple of months ago, so I still think of them as an obligation/honor and only request one b...