About Me + Contact

~new about me coming soon!~

Welcome to my book blog, where pages come alive and stories ignite the imagination! I know that incredible feeling when a book grabs hold of you and transports you to a world beyond your wildest dreams. It's like stepping into a time machine, exploring history in a captivating historical fiction novel, or getting lost in a dystopian society that sends shivers down your spine. George R.R. Martin once said, "A reader lives a thousand lives. The man who never reads lives only one." I'm here to help you embark on those thousand lives.

You can call me Paige. My favorite genre is fantasy, but I all types of YA fiction. Here, you'll discover a treasure trove of content featuring the greatest and latest reads. I'll be sharing my honest and unsponsored book reviews, diving deep into the worlds created by talented authors. Additionally, I'll offer theories and predictions about upcoming releases, because who doesn't love a good speculation session?

There are several ways you can show your interest and be part of the excitement. Take a moment to explore the blog, immerse yourself in the posts, and don't hesitate to leave your thoughts and comments. I'll be updating the blog weekly.

Thank you for joining me on this literary adventure. Get ready to unlock the doors to new worlds, unravel mysteries, and experience the power of storytelling.

Paige, signing off

Contact Me

I'm currently open to review requests and guest posting opportunities, and I would love to work with you. Please feel free to send me a message at pagesofperfiction.com@gmail.com or use the contact form located on the sidebar of this website. I'll get back to you in less than a week.

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