Happy holidays, and welcome back to Pages of Perfiction! This time of the year always has such a vibe. Winter break just started, and I'm leaving for a week-long trip tomorrow! I can't wait. I should be packing right now, because I'm only halfway done, but whatever. Besides, what better way to celebrate the season than another book tag?
Today, I'm going to be trying out the Naughty or Nice book tag. I've done one book tag before (the 20 Questions book tag, back at the start of my blogging journey), so I can't wait to get into this post.
I found out about this tag via AceReader (who has an amazing site, go check it out), but some other great bloggers who've done this tag include MehganReads, Read Bake Create, and The Strawberry Post.
1. Received an ARC and not reviewed it
Guess what? This has never happened to me! I just started asking for ARCs a couple of months ago, so I still think of them as an obligation/honor and only request one book at a time.
On a completely unrelated note, I'm so proud of the profile picture I added using Canva. Honestly, I use Canva for all the images on this blog, because I have zero artistic talent.
2. Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley
Never. The only time this happened was when I just got approved for my first book, so it said 0% because I had reviewed 0 out of 1 books. I panicked and hastily complied something and called it a review. You can check it out
here, but I don't think it's helpful, like, at all. I might update it sometime in the future.
According this book tag so far, I fall in the 'nice' category. If only the rest of are questions are this easy.
4. Folded down the page of a book
Oh, yes, of course. Every single book. I always dog-ear my favorite parts so I can find them easily later... even if it's a library book.
Look, I'm sorry, but in my defense, I always remove the folds before returning the book. I know that this still damages the book, so I'm trying to get out of this habit. Please forgive me!
5. Accidentally spilled on a book

Yeah, probably. I read while eating all the time, so I wouldn't be surprised.
The thing is, I've been using ebooks a lot lately. I would go as far as to say that 80% of the books I read this year are digital, so spilling on the book and folding down pages aren't as much of a problem. I've never spilled on a library book, though.
6. DNF a book this year
Yeah. I read about a third of this book before deciding not to finish it. I had my reasons, though, which you can read about in this
bite-sized reviews post. Long story short, I thought the characters seemed flat and 2D, there were sooo many swear words I simply couldn't enjoy the novel, and the plot wasn't compelling. I don't DNF often, though.
7. Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it
I don't buy books, period. Most of the books I read are borrowed from digital libraries or from online reading apps like Libby or Sora.
I think I've only bought around 10, maybe 12, books this year, which is a small amount compared to the total number of books I read in 2023.
8. Read while you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)

Every. Single. Day. I'm not going to write much here because there's nothing to say. Every day after coming home from school, I glance at my large to-do list, throw it away, and open up a book instead. Doesn't everyone do this?
9. Skim read a book

I hate DNFing books, so I instead of closing the book, I skim read the rest. That's why the answer for this question is going to be "yes". I also skim books when the pacing is sooo slow.
I don't skim books because I'm enjoying it, though. In that case, I'll read fast, but I won't skim it.
11. Borrowed a book and not returned it

I haven't borrowed a book from a friend at all this year, surprisingly. However, I've borrowed books from libraries and then lost it. I'm a messy person.
This ties back to the whole ebook thing- it's impossible to lose an ebook!
13. Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about

This is so relatable. I currently have three draft posts saved, and I have no idea what half of them are about. When did I read "Lies My Memory Told Me" by Sacha Wunsch, and why was I writing a rave review titled "To all the haters on Goodreads: this book was perfect, and here's why". The book is clearly not perfect, because I have forgotten literally everything about it.
14. Wrote in a book you were reading

If it's a personal book, I think it's okay to write in it. Honestly, I wish I was better at annotating books because it's so cool to look back at your initial thoughts. However, I always get so immersed in the story I forget to write anything (or add a highlight, in the case of an e-book). I guess that means I'm nice?
Questions I skipped and why
I skipped questions 3, 10, 12, and 15.
Question 3: Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did).
I don't have Goodreads- not yet, anyway. But this does sound like something I would do.
Question 10: Completely missed your Goodreads goal
Same as before, but also, I don't set reading goals. I know 2024 is quickly approaching, so a lot of bloggers are posting about their goals for the upcoming year, but I personally don't like to set reading goals. I like to read for fun and don't want to constrict my reading by putting a number on it.
Question 12: Broke a book buying ban
I don't set book buying bans, because I don't purchase books often.
Question 15: Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads
This is why I don't have goodreads. I would always forget to add the books I've read.
The end.
Thanks for sticking through this post! Because nobody tagged me, I'm not tagging anyone, but I hope you enjoyed reading this. I had so much fun, especially with the images (I used Canva for them, of course). I have to go pack now, so see you later!