march monthly wrap-up


a post header that says "Pages of Perfiction: Monthly Wrap Up" with a cozy book theme
This month really flew by, didn't it? Well, I'm pretty sure I said the same thing last month, but whatever. This is the third monthly wrap-up I've written: Here's my monthly wrap up for Jan, and this is the one for February.

table of contents

music this month

fav posts from other blogs


posts I published this month

So this is last month's monthly wrap up, and it's... well, let's just call it interesting. It's the longest post I've ever written, and includes quite a few rants.

the Wall by Brian Penn // why I DNF'ed this dystopian at 14 percent

This book had been sitting on my Netgalley ARC shelf for, like, three months, and I finally reviewed it!
Another ARC, but this one was so much better! I enjoyed it so much and would recommend it to everyone. Yes, that includes you! Go read the review right now.

a love letter to 10:59 by N R Baker

Because I loved 10:59 so much, I decided to write a love letter to it!

bite-sized book reviews batch two (featuring nonfiction, booktok sensations, novellas, and more!)

This post was sitting half-written in my drafts folder for two months, and I finally finished & published it.

The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson book review

I will be honest: A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is one of my favorite novels and I may have screamed when I realized I was approved to ARC read Holly Jackson's latest book.

music this month

I have a Spotify account, and one of the cool features is that it will show you your top songs and artists of the month. I thought it would be fun to go through that with you.

top artists

1. Taylor Swift

Okay, this is the second month in a row she was my top artist. I'm really surprised!

2. Ariana Grande

I listened to Eternal Sunshine on repeat the whole month. She might be a bad person, but her music is fire.

3. Connor Price

His confidence radiates out of his songs and I absorb it. Period.

4. Emei

My new favorite artist!! Go listen to her RIGHT NOW.

top songs

Click on the play button to listen to the songs. I have no idea why the thumbnails look so strange/different when I try to embed them, but whatever.

1. That Girl by Emei

2. Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish

3. Too Bad by Connor Price

So those were my top three songs this month! Let me know what you thought of them in the comments section.

playlist of the month

Those of you who were here last month know that I've started making a playlist of my favorite songs from each month. That's what the Spotify embedded thingy above is.

follow my spotify

If you want carefully curated playlists for reading, fangirling, homework, and everything in between, check out my profile by clicking on that link! I'll follow you back.

fav posts from other blogs

This is always the hardest part to write, because out of all the book blogs I'm following, 198 posts were published this month! I certainly can't put them all in here, no matter how much I want to 😭. But here are some that stood out to me:

If you have a blog, please comment the link! I'd love to check it out.


Thank you for sticking through all the way to the end of this post! I appreciate it :) If you made it this far, comment what book you're currently reading down below, along with if you'd recommend it. Make sure to comment with your google account if you want to get an email notification when I reply 🩵

April, here I come.

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