may + april combined monthly wrap up: mapril 2024

Note: Because this is a combined wrap-up, I introduced a new term: mapril, used to describe May & April in one word.

Let's just pretend the fact that I didn't post a wrap-up for April was intentional, although in reality, I ran out of time (oops). Honestly, I haven't had much time for blogging in general these past two months. I published 7 posts in total during Mapril, but only three of them were really my own work. The other four were book blitzes & cover reveals.

table of contents

  • posts I published during mapril
  • fav posts from other blogs
  • fun updates
    • i'm running for president
    • ttpd album reaction
  • conclusion

posts i published during mapril

The Winchester Codex Book Blitz (featuring excerpt + giveaway!)

Books can be dangerous. Fitz, a dragon, believes he is guardian of one of the most dangerous of all – The Winchester Codex was responsible for wiping out the entire draconic race, of which he is one of the last vestiges. Yet in the 21st century, what relevance does this ancient manuscript have? Read the excerpt and enter the book giveaway! 
Small town southern girl Brianna Davis’s world is spinning faster than she can keep up with. She’s burying herself working as a hotel manager, having her personal life scrutinized as a socialite, and has one of the town’s most eligible bachelors on the hook in the form of Branson. Be one of the first few people to see the cover in this reveal post.

Refuge from the World by Kim McMahill Book Blitz! (feat. excerpt + book giveaway!)

Ashley McPhee arrived in Beartooth with her mom, Sara, when she was three years old. Ever since Ash can remember, life has been simple and peaceful. She enjoyed a carefree childhood, tending honey bees with her mom and spending time with her best friend, Caleb Solomon. But, life in their idyllic mountaintop community is changing. Read the excerpt and enter the book giveaway! 

Darkness Falls by A.E. Faulkner Book Blitz (excerpt + giveaway!)

Our family trip to the beach ended before it even began. Mother Nature made sure of that. Our parents…gone in an instant. It’s just me and my sister. 100 miles from home. No car. No phones. No money. Down to our last crumbs of food. But just when we figure out what to do, she vanishes. Mother Nature reached her breaking point and everyone’s paying the price. I have a feeling she isn’t done just yet. But guess what? Neither am I. Read the excerpt and enter the book giveaway! 

The Art of Being Difficult by William Chekhov review (this book certainly lived up to its name because it was VERY DIFFICULT TO READ)

A Loveless Child. A Loveless Woman. Sweet Romance. Murder. Satire. Desperation. Fate. That's it. That's the whole back cover description. I suppose the ominous, mysterious ambience was partly what drew me in, but that's what made me lose interest, too.

go to a speech & debate tournament with me!! impromptu + declamation reflections (april 2024)

This is a unique post. I wrote it when I was at a debate competition and I had some free time in between rounds. I basically just talk about how my rounds went, reflected on what I could have done better, and more. I ended up winning 3rd place.
Okay, this was my attempt at a book meme.... I didn't continue it in May, though. Oops.

life updates

I'm running for president!

Of my school's student council. I think I should clarify that.

The school I go to has yearly ASB elections, and the elections for the 2024-2025 school year happened on FRIDAY. I ran for president. There was one other candidate, and let's call her Evie (yes, I used a random name generator for that). Evie's a nice person and I think she'd also do a great job as president, so I won't be upset if I lose. I'll just be... disappointed.

Like I said, Friday was the day we had to give speeches in front of the whole school. We all voted shortly after, and the results are going to come on Tuesday or Wednesday. As I'm writing this, that's tomorrow. I've been dying of anticipation this whole weekend. 

Some stuff I did as part of my campaign included making pins people could wear with my name and slogan on it, passing out small 4 x 6 glossy cards, and printing out 45 posters to put up around the school (3 designs, 15 copies each). Let's see if that pays off. I'll update this post when I get the results, but honestly? I think I won.

Edit: Yayyayayyay, I won!! 

TTPD album reaction

If, somehow, you've been living under a rock and don't know what TTPD is, let me inform you: It stands for The Tortured Poet's Department and is Taylor Swift's newest album. I'm not a swiftie, but I really liked it. I don't get why people keep hating on it! My favorite tracks include:
  • I Can Do It With A Broken Heart (it's very relatable!)
  • So Long London (I love the vibe)
  • Peter (probably the most underrated track in the album)


I know this isn't my best post by far, but I just want to get it published so that I don't fall to far behind. I don't even know if anyone's reading these things, but if you are, please leave a comment so I know y'all exist :) Here's a question: What is the last book you rated 5 stars?

Paige C, signing off.

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